While we were there, Artie made it a point several times to tell us that God was planting something in our hearts that may take some time to process and for me, it did take time. I had such a great experience and left wondering what God had wanted me to learn about & from Him during my time in Mexico. I left it at His feet and He began to unravel all He had done through this trip.

I believe every conversation, even the super awkward and difficult ones, were ordained by God. Every interaction and conversation He placed each of us in was specific. Like Artie said, it may take some time to see the fruit of each moment but I promise it’s there. In my case, He used every moment to reveal not only my heart but His heart for me and for others.

Because I teach Gods word, I am usually the one doing a lot of talking to facilitate conversation but on this trip, God allowed me to listen and observe. He helped me to be present with each person He placed around me. He allowed me to hear stories of how incredibly He’s moved in the lives of others. He allowed me to see how each person bears His beautiful image in a unique and specific way. He put me in circles with people I would never have been able to connect with on a regular campus day and allowed each of us to slow down to get a glimpse of how vast and diverse He is. When out there I prayed and asked Him how do I go back to normal life now after this? He taught me to take my mission mindset, my zeal and willingness to serve daily on the mission field, back with me to the campus and mission fields He’s placed me in at home.

I can’t express how grateful I am to God for allowing me to go on this trip and experience so much of His heart through other Eastsider’s and through the staff and children there. It was truly an honor to be able to witness how big Gods hands and feet are. Thank you also to each leader who laid down their lives to serve and lead us deeper into Gods heart for these families and children as we helped serve them through building physically and spiritually. Such a true example of servant and Christ-like leadership. Lord willing, I look forward to next year and all God does up to that point as well.